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Happy birthday bouche!

mark tonin

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I was waiting until I hit the 150 replies mark in this but I don't have all day ;)

Thanks for the kind wishes. This is one of the very rare years where my birthday actually falls midweek and is not part of the civic holiday long weekend. The last time this happened and it fell on wednesday was 2004.

Happy 49th Birthday to Barack Obama as well. Geez, he's only 10 years older than me and he's the President of the United States.

Here is a list of number one songs on this day in history

A major event happened on this day:

Aug. 4, 1944 - Nazi police discovered Anne Frank and her family, hiding in secret quarters above her father’s factory in Amsterdam, Holland. Miss Frank was 13 years old and had kept a diary of her feelings, thoughts and fears during the two years of hiding from the Nazis. Anne and her sister were taken to a concentration camp following the arrest. Anne Frank died at Bergen-Belsen. Her diary was found later and has since been translated into 30 different languages, adapted as a dramatic play and a Hollywood film. Her diary is a symbol of the strength of the human spirit. She wrote: “I keep on trying to find a way of becoming what I would like to be and what I could be, if there weren’t any other people living in the world.”

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